Mandi's Food Trend Predictions 2023 bc business, bc food, british columbia food, Business coach, canadian food, culinary entrepreneurs, end of year list, Entrepreneurs, Food, food business, kootenaybusiness, kootenayrestaurant, mandi lunan, Small business, RestaurantMandi LunanDecember 31, 2022endofyearlist, foodtrends2023, foodtrendscanada, foodtrendsbc, bcfood, mandilunan, endofyearlists2023, canadafood, foodincanadaComment
Mandi's Food Business Predictions 2022 bc food, bc business, british columbia food, Business coach, canadian food, culinary entrepreneurs, end of year list, entrepreneur self care, Entrepreneurs, Food, food business, kootenaybusiness, kootenayrestaurant, mandi lunan, restaurant, Small businessMandi LunanDecember 31, 2021endofyearlist, foodtrends2022, businesstrends2022, kootenays, businesscoach, businessbc, bceats, canadafoodtrends2022, canadianfoodtrends2022, mandilunan, 2022, 2021endofyearlist, culinarybusinesscoach, kootenaybusinesscoach, southkootenays, westkootenaysComment
Checking Entrepreneurial Privilege- The Case For Home Based Culinary Businesses bc business, bc food, british columbia food, burnout, Business coach, business copywriters, business writers, canadian food, canadian women in food, entrepreneur self care, Entrepreneurs, entreprenurial burnout, Food, food business, kootenay, kootenaybusiness, mandi lunan, ottawa, restaurant, Small businessMandi LunanJanuary 16, 2021culinarybusiness, homebasedculinarybusiness, ontariofoodbusiness, ontariohomebasedfoodbusiness, foodbasedbusiness, culinarynewscanada, youngentrepreneurs, mandilunan, foodbusinesscoach Comment
Food Trends in 2021: Predictions canadian food, business writers, business copywriters, Business coach, bc business, british columbia food, mandi lunanMandi LunanDecember 31, 2020foodtrends2021, foodtrends, foodinthepandemic, food2021, foodindustry2021, foodconsultant, endofyearlist, mandilunan, culinarybusiness, culinarybusinesscoachComment
Hiring a Food Photographer- A How To with Photographer Nick Ghattas Business coach, canadian food, canadian women in food, culinary entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Food, food business, kootenay, kootenaybusinessMandi LunanNovember 6, 2020food photography, Nick Ghattas, Food Photos, business blog, Business BC, Food business, culinary business, photography, social media, food social media, mandi lunan, kootenays, kootenay consultant, business coaching, business adviceComment
I Left My Heart in Capital City: A Love Letter to Ottawa's Culinary Scene Business coach, canadian food, Entrepreneurs, culinary entrepreneursMandi LunanOctober 9, 2020ottawafood, kootenayfood, kootenay, kootenays, nelsonfarmersmarket, 613, mandilunan, foodbusinesscoach, foodblogger, wheretoeatinottawa, bestplacesinottawa, eatottawa, ottawarestaurant Comment
Copycats and Recipe Thieves- How to Protect Your Small Business Legally Business coach, canadian food, Entrepreneurs, Food, chef legal, recipesMandi LunanAugust 27, 2020ontario restaurants, bc restaurants, canada chef, canada food, secret recipes, legal, food, copyrightrecipeComment
COVID Tax- To Charge or not to Charge? Business coach, canadian food, kootenayrestaurant, kootenay, kootenaybusinessMandi LunanAugust 13, 2020covidbusiness, businessduringcovid, covidcanada, vusinesscoach, bcbusinesscoach, kootenaybusinesscoach, kootenayfood
City Confidential: Best Practices For When Dealing with your Municipality Business coach, canadian food, Entrepreneurs, FoodMandi LunanAugust 2, 2020canadabusiness, bcbusiness, ontariobusiness, businessblog, dealingwithmunicipality, smallbusinesscanada, foodbusiness, mandilunan
Influencer Based Marketing For Your Small Business Business coach, canadian food, canadian women in food, end of year list, Entrepreneurs, FoodMandi LunanJuly 26, 2020influencers, influencer, yumyumyow, 613, ontario, canada, canadainfluencers, canadabusiness, canadafood, mandilunan, marketing, marketing in cnada, influencers and small buisness, are influencers effective, small business influencersComment